In Palestinian national politics, the policies and approaches adopted at the political level reflect a deep mistrust of “the other”, i.e. the opposing side. This mistrust and competition have led to the deepening division and contributed to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. While national level politics is the main arena of conflict, the factional division impacts also local level politics. Democratic and institutional development in the West Bank and Gaza have become stunted.
Based on CMI and Masarat’s previous work, there are indications that progress could be achieved: in relation to unions, at the municipality level and in student politics. In the absence of national level reconciliation, progress could be achieved at the local level. Also, designing and advocating for democratic practices elsewhere in the society, can lead to limited successes that increase participation and help counter apathy and violence.
Through analyzing the different future scenarios, and by using a participatory methodology, the project will develop policy recommendations on issues related to for example conflict settlement, secure reintegration, and national unity. The scenarios and policy recommendations will be presented to wider public in a conference and through social media to stimulate public discussion on key challenges and opportunities facing the Palestinian political system.