

ِAn independent think tank based in Ramallah, and specialised in formulating strategic policies and research. Masarat’s objective is to develop objective and democratic alternatives that serve Palestinians by narrowing the gap between knowledge and policy development, and providing strategic, in-depth and professional analysis and research that are realistic, applicable and timely.

Masarat is a credible, and independent actor, that is well-positioned to coordinate activities in the West Bank and Gaza, and to liaise with specific regional actors, and will also be an effective route to enhance the visibility of the action due to their popularity as well as technical capacities.


The Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) is an independent Finnish organisation that works to prevent and resolve violent conflicts through informal dialogue and mediation. Nobel Peace laureate and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari founded CMI in 2000. Since then, our organisation has grown to become one of the leaders in its field.

CMI works closely with all conflicting parties in some of the world’s most intractable conflicts to forge lasting peace through informal dialogue and mediation. CMI has a staff of around 80 and has ongoing commitments in the Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eurasia and Asia.

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